
上传:qq_29566486 浏览: 118 推荐: 0 文件:EXE 大小:13.43MB 上传时间:2018-12-07 04:26:42 版权申诉
Changes in Tera Term version 4.93 Added 48x48 icon to keycode.exe. Bug Fixes in Tera Term version 4.93 After Kanji(receive) is set to EUC and UTF-8 string is displayed, new Kanji(Chinese character) may be properly shown when Kanji(receive) is set to UTF-8. When Kanji(receive) is set to UTF-8, ISO-2022-JP Kanji cannot be properly displayed with Japanese language setting. When DeferredLogWriteMode=on is enabled and a log file is closed soon after opening the file, Tera Term sometimes halts with dead-lock. When Log dialog is clos ed, the memory leak of Tera Term core(ttermpro.exe) was happening. Windows 7 and Vista: When special operation is done on General setup dialog, an application fault may occur. When the real time mode is off while using broadcast command, invalid character would be added to the end of string. MACRO: When closesbox command is executed, the memory leak of Macro core(ttpmacro.exe) was happening. MACRO: The gethostname, gettitle, getmodemstatus, loginfo and logopen commands in rear cases would have issues. Related Product Upgrades Upgraded TTSSH to 2.79. Upgraded CygTerm+ to 1.07_29. Upgraded TTProxy to Upgraded TeraTerm Menu to 1.14. Upgraded TTX KanjiMenu Plug-in to 0.1.7. Upgraded TTXRecurringCommand Plug-in to 1.05. Upgraded Oniguruma to 6.1.2. Changes in TTSSH version 2.79 When an Order(CipherOrder, KexOrder, HostKeyOrder, MacOrder, CompOrder) is read from the teraterm.ini file, memory corruption could occur. Tera Term(TTSSH) may hang up while a file is being received via SCP. Upgraded OpenSSL to 1.0.2j. Changes in Cygterm+ 1.07_29 Changed the icon image. Changes in TTProxy version When an authentication is used in HTTP proxy, Tera Term(TTProxy) would crash. When an authentication is used on HTTP proxy, the authentication data would not be encoded with base64 protocol. The HTTP proxy connection was changed from HTTP/1.0 to HTTP/1.1. Changes in TeraTerm Menu version 1.14 Updated the TeraTerm icon (teraterm.ico). Changes in TTX KanjiMenu 0.1.7 When Kanji code is changed, internal status regarding Kanji code of Tera Term core is cleared. Changes in TTXRecurringCommand 1.05 Added new configuration allowing to add carriage return at the end of send command.

zhouclone 2018-12-07 04:26:42


fertiliser24998 2018-12-07 04:26:42


hbb76493 2018-12-07 04:26:42

