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Reporting Add-In for Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Reporting Add-In for Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express 包括一个 ReportViewer 控件、一个集成报表设计器和一个允许您自定义运行时功能的综合 API。可以使用该控件向 ASP.NET Web 应用程序中添加交互式实时数据报表。这些报表可以使用任何 ADO.NET DataTable 或自定义业务对象中的数据。您可以使用自由格式或传统报表布局创建包含表格、矩阵和可视化数据的报表。还
2021-05-11 08:28
Need to connect to a wireless network that is WEP encoded but all you have is the passphrase and your network connection client doesn't handle passphrases? You need to have an offline WEP key generator that will give you the 26 HEX digits you need. You need WEPGen! WEPGen uses the defacto standard
2021-05-11 04:34
首先关于 [评价可免费] 的严重声明: 一、评价=评论加评价(评星星); 二、评价必须是下载完了该资源后的评价,没下载就评论无效; 三、如果正确评价了,返还积分可能需要等等,系统需要反应下。呵呵 评论时记得要评分。然后会返回给你花费的分再加1分.理论上有十分就可以下载完所有的资源了。一般人我不告诉他。 sysinternals 的网站创立于1996年由Mark russinovich和布赖科格斯韦尔主办其先进的系统工具和技术资料.微软于2006年
2021-04-26 07:55
Npclnt.exe WFW命名管道客户端免费版
此示例中 Microsoft 下载中心 Npclnt.exe 说明命名的管道客户端界面,在 Windows 中的工作组 (WFW)。 此示例提供了一个 WFW Win32 SDK 命名的管道示例 (NPSERVER) 的命名管道客户端。此示例打开、 读取,并写入 NPSERVER 应用程序创建的命名管道。要从服务器的命名管道,以避免阻塞 WFW 下执行异步读取使用 DosReadAsyncNmPipe API。 注: 在此示例都有两个问题。 NP 回调应在一个固定的代码段中在 DLL 中。 传递到 DosReadAsyncNmPipe 和 DosWriteAsyncNmPipe 的
2021-04-25 14:58
2021-04-24 20:57
Smarty manual手册中英文版教程
Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine Prev 来源:PHP中文社区 Next -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1. What is Smarty? 第一章.什么是Smaty? Smarty is a template engine for PHP. More specifically, it facilitates a manageable way to separate application logic and content from its presentation. This is best described in a situation where the application programmer and the template designer play different roles, or in most cases are not the same person. For example, let's say you are creating a web page that is displaying a newspaper article. The article headline, tagline, author and body are content elements, they contain no information about how they will be presented. They are passed into Smarty by the application, then the template designer edits the templates and uses a combination of HTML tags and template tags to format the presentation of these elements (HTML tables, background colors, font sizes, style sheets, etc.) One day the programmer needs to change the way the article content is retrieved (a change in application logic.) This change does not affect the template designer, the content will still arrive in the template exactly the same. Likewise, if the template designer wants to completely redesign the templates, this requires no changes to the application logic. Therefore, the programmer can make changes to the application logic without the need to restructure templates, and the template designer can make changes to templates without breaking application logic. Smarty是一个php模板引擎。更准确的说,它分开了逻辑程序和外在的内容,提供了一种易于管理的方法。可以描述为应用程序员和美工扮演了不同的角色,因为在大多数情况下 ,他们不可能是同一个人。例如,你正在创建一个用于浏览新闻的网页,新闻标题,标签栏,作者和内容等都是内容要素,他们并不包含应该怎样去呈现。在Smarty的程序里,这些被忽略了。模板设计者们编辑模板,组合使用html标签和模板标签去格式化这些要素的输出(html表格,背景色,字体大小,样式表,等等)。有一天程序员想要改变文章检索的方式(也就是程序逻辑的改变)。这个改变不影响模板设计者,内容仍将准确的输出到模板。同样的,哪天美工吃多了想要完全重做界面,也不会影响到程序逻辑。因此,程序员可以改变逻辑而不需要重新构建模板,模板设计者可以改变模板而不影响到逻辑。
2021-04-24 06:15
绝密文档SAM注册表结构分析Security Accounts Manager解密免费版
国外经典SAM结构分析资料。 偶尔从google上获得,从网上搜集了一大会,发现比国内的资料简直UP了好些年。 Security Accounts Manager Author: Last updated: 3rd April 2005 ________________________________________ This article is based primarily on a local default setup of NT5.0 Professional or 2K (Windows 2000), however there maybe additional verified references to XP Professional and Server Editions. Much will apply across the NT range, but not all has been verified. Note that this is a partial update from the orginal version, there will be more additions, I just thought it was time to consolidate some stuff. This article has been written concisely and progressively, it is advisable not to skim read. Some stuff is advanced, use a test machine where possible. Special thanks to: (alphabetically ordered) esrever_otua: For pointing out something which I had missed about group memberships. fishy5: For coding XORCheck.exe which calculates the registry hive checksum. mirrorshades: For inspiring a hash database space optimzation technique rattle: For coding ntdate.exe which calculates the NT time format and the LastPolicyTime; a couple of programs for the #DAD8636F687BF15B section and for working on the LM Hash Decoder V1/V2 projects. Serg Wasilenkow: For working on the LM Hash Decoder V1/V2 projects. Vladimir Katalov: For the PWSEx product key and working on the LM Hash Decoder V1/V2 projects. xavic: For inspiring a hash database space optimzation technique Due to length and my decision not to divide this article into separate pages I have split the article into 4 main chapters. 01. Users and Groups 02. (some) Security Settings 03. Registry Structure 04. Passwords
2021-04-23 18:13
首先关于 [评价可免费] 的严重声明: 一、评价=评论加评价(评星星); 二、评价必须是下载完了该资源后的评价,没下载就评论无效; 三、如果正确评价了,返还积分可能需要等等,系统需要反应下。呵呵 评论时记得要评分。然后会返回给你花费的分再加1分.理论上有十分就可以下载完所有的资源了。一般人我不告诉他。 1. 编译器和链接器 本附书代码全部采用 MASM 格式编写,推荐使用 MASM32 软 件包作为编译环境,MASM32 软件包可以在以下地址下载: MASM32官方站点: 作者的MASM编程站点: htt
2021-04-23 07:16
Visual C++程序设计基础教程与上机指导图书源代码评价可免费
首先关于 [评价可免费] 的严重声明: 一、评价=评论加评价(评星星); 二、评价必须是下载完了该资源后的评价,没下载就评论无效; 三、如果正确评价了,返还积分可能需要等等,系统需要反应下。呵呵 评论时记得要评分。然后会返回给你花费的分再加1分.理论上有十分就可以下载完所有的资源了。一般人我不告诉他。 Visual C++程序设计基础教程与上机指导/新起点电脑教程 编辑、剪辑:计算机职业教育联盟 出版社:清华大学出版社 本书入门快,实用性强;系统性、逻辑性强;内容丰满,解释透彻;结构清晰,学习目标明确;针对性强、定位准确、编排合理,完全适合教学需要。从最基本的C++语法讲起,
2021-04-23 03:00
首先关于 [评价可免费] 的严重声明: 一、评价=评论加评价(评星星); 二、评价必须是下载完了该资源后的评价,没下载就评论无效; 三、如果正确评价了,返还积分可能需要等等,系统需要反应下。呵呵 评论时记得要评分。然后会返回给你花费的分再加1分.理论上有十分就可以下载完所有的资源了。一般人我不告诉他。 C++ Primer,4th (中英文混合CHM版) Preface C++ Primer, Fourth Edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to the C++ language. As a primer, it prov
2021-04-20 21:31