

资源:119 粉丝:0


Introducing Windows Server2012By Mitch Tulloch
Table of Contents Chapter 1 The business need for Windows Server 2012 The rationale behind cloud computing Making the transition Technical requirements for successful cloud computing Four ways Windows Server 2012 delivers value for cloud computing Foundation for building your private cloud Chap
2021-05-01 13:47
Microsoft Press Introducing Windows Server2012
Mitch Tulloch has updated his very popular free ebook on Windows Server 2012 based on the RTM version of the software. A key feature of this book is the inclusion of sidebars written by members of the Windows Server team, Microsoft Support engineers, Microsoft Consulting Services staff, and other
2021-04-30 18:31
Third Party JavaScript
Summary Third-Party JavaScript guides web developers through the complete development of a full-featured third-party JavaScript application. You'll learn dozens of techniques for developing widgets that collect data for analytics, provide helpful overlays and dialogs, or implement features like cha
2021-04-26 07:08
3D Game Development with Microsoft Silverlight3Beginner s Guide Sep2009
This book takes a step-by-step approach to building a complete interactive 3D game using Silverlight and enhancing it through its related technologies. The book focuses on practical examples and has a friendly approach, with the opportunity to learn by experiment and play. It uses illustrations, scr
2021-04-26 05:44
ASP.NET MVC4and the Web API Building a REST Service from Start to Finish
This one hundred page book focuses exclusively on how you can best use the ASP.NET MVC 4 Framework to build world-class REST services using the Web API. It sets aside much of what the ASP.NET MVC Framework can do, and focuses exclusively on how the Web API can help you build web services. You will n
2021-04-25 16:56
2021-04-23 17:59
Diskeeper2012v16.0.1017Professional Edition3264bit
Diskeeper產品 提升系統速度、性能和可靠性 性能軟件 提高PC、服務器、存儲和應用程序速度 防止影響性能的碎片化 釋放可用空間以改善性能 提高I/O效率 延長硬盤驅動器使用壽命 減少備份和啟動時間 Diskeeper® 12 使您的個人計算機和服務器運行如新,并延長它們的使用壽命。每個人都有過這樣糟糕的體驗:Windows 機器的使用時間越長,而且在其中安裝的軟件越多,它的運行速度就會變得越來越慢。Diskeeper 利用其已獲專利的前瞻性 IntelliWrite 技術,以 Windows 級別防止文件產生碎片來避免上述情況,這樣您便能立即為各個應用程序和系統實現最大性能。無
2021-04-21 12:26
HTML5Game Programming with enchant.js
HTML5 Game Programming with enchant.js gives first-time programmers of all ages the tools to turn their video game ideas into reality. A step-by-step guide to the free, open-source HTML5 and JavaScript engine enchant.js, it is ideally suited for game fans who have always wanted to make their own game but didn’t know how. It begins with the foundations of game programming and goes on to introduce advanced topics like 3D. We live in an age where smartphones and tablets have made games more ubiquitous than ever. Based around HTML5, enchant.js is ideally suited for aspiring game programmers who have always been intimidated by code. Games written using enchant.js take only a few hours to write, and can be played in a browser, iOS, and Android devices, removing the stress of programming to focus on the fun. Discover the joy of game development with enchant.js. Provides a comprehensive, easy guide to game programming through enchant.js Gives aspiring game developers a tool to realize their ideas Introduces readers to the basics of HTML5 and JavaScript programming What you’ll learn Master the basics of HTML5 and JavaScript programming Create a game that can be played on a desktop, iOS, or Android Upload your game to, where you can share it easily Program your own 3D games Grasp the essential concepts of making a compelling and popular game Who this book is for HTML5 Game Programming with enchant.js is for aspiring game developers of all ages who have wanted to make their own games but didn’t know how. It’s for programmers interested in learning the potential of HTML5 through designing games.
2021-04-20 16:00
2021-04-19 19:13
2021-04-18 09:13