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autosar xcp规范.pdf
1.17 MB
2022-07-10 04:36
Autosar J1939模块的规范
Autosar J1939模块的规范
708.67 KB
2022-07-10 03:09
autosar xcp源码
***************** XCP - Calibration and Measurement Protocol ******************XCP is a Calibration and Measurement protocol for use in embedded systems. It's a generalization of the previously existing CCP (CAN Calibration Protocol)This implementation is designed for integration in an AUTOSAR project. Itfollows AUTOSAR 4.0 Xcp specification but support integration into anAUTOSAR 3.0 system.The requirements on the AUTOSAR infrastructure is limited, thus creating"emulation" functions to use the XCP module standalone is not a major hurdle for integration.Module support both static an dynamically configured DAQ lists, withdynamic DAQ lists the easier of the two to configure. It also supportpredefined DAQ lists when in dynamic mode in preperation for RESUMEmore support.There is support for reading and writing directly in memory on the deviceaswell as a abstraction layer for memory to allow reading/writingdirectly to ports or user defined data.Module support multi threaded execution of data receive callbacksand main functions as long as a global mutex or interrupt disablingrutine exists. It's only locked for very short periods of timeduring addition or removal of packets from queues. (the code shouldsuite itself well for being replaced with a lockless alternativewith atomic operations instead).Support Seed and Key protection for the different features ofXcp.
36.02 KB
2022-07-10 02:17
Autosar com模块的规范.pdf
Autosar com模块的规范.pdf
687.28 KB
2022-07-10 01:34
autosar xcp上位机源码
autosar xcp上位机源码
4.91 KB
2022-07-10 01:08
MISRA C2004中文版.pdf
455.63 KB
2022-07-09 13:58