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2020-07-17 19:46
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2020-02-07 09:46
精通MATLAB与C C++混合程序设计第3版源代码
2019-09-06 01:07
The primary purpose of this book is to teach computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because MATLAB is easy to learn and, at the same time, is an extremely versatile and useful programming language and prCOMPUTER PROGRAMMING WITH MATLABJ MICHAEL FITZPATRICK AND AKOS LEDECZIComputer Programming with MATLaB/. Michael Fitzpatrick and Akos LedecziISBN:978-0-615-75113-9January, 2013O 2013. Michael Fitzpatrick and Akos LedecziAll rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced in any form or by any means forredistribution without the written permission of one or both of thecopyright ownersThe authors make no warranty regarding the programs within thisbook and are not liable for any damages resulting from their useDEDICATIONThis book is dedicated to our wivesPatricia robinson and Barbara lengyelfor their patience and understanding while we were devoting so muchtime to this bookTHE AUTHORSJohn Michael (Mike)Fitzpatrick, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Akos Ledeczi, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering and Senior ReVanderbilt University, retired from the classroom in 2011 after teaching at the search Scientist at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems at Vanderbiltcollege level for thirty-five years, teaching computer science for twenty-nineUniversity, has been doing research on model-integrated computing and wireyears, and teaching computer programming with MATLAB for eleven yearsless sensor networks for a couple of decades. he has been teaching computerHe received a BS in physics and an MS in computer science from the Univerprogramming with MATLab for five years now. He received an MS from thesity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a PhD In physics from Florida State Technical University of Budapest in Hungary and a PhD from Vanderbilt UniUniversity in Tallahassee. He has been a member of the Vanderbilt facultyversity, both in electrical engineering. He has been a member of the faculty atsince 1982, where he uses MATLAB in his research in computer-assisted sur-Vanderbilt University since 1998. He is married with three children and livesgery. He is married with two children and lives in Nashville, Tennesseen Nashville tennessee. Michael FitzpatrickThe primary purpose of this book is to teach computer programming to those tion to programming to the average student than Java, C, C++, or otherwith little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and lan- general-purpose languagesguage called MATLAB to do so because MATLAB is easy to learn and, at thesame time, is an extremely versatile and useful programming language andprogramming environment MATLAB is a special-purpose language that isLogisticsan excellent choice for writing moderate-size programs (let' s say, fewer thana thousand lines)that solve problems involving the manipulation of num- A disadvantage of using MATLAB as the language of choice for this bookbers. The design of the language makes it possible to write a powerful pro- that the MATLAB programming environment is not free. However, a studentam in a few lines. The problems may be relatively complex, while the version is available for the reasonable price of $99. It can be ordered directlyMATLAB Programs that solve them are relatively simple: relative, that is, to from Math Works a), the company who distributes MATLAB. Furthermore,the equivalent program written in a general-purpose language, such as C++ many colleges have site licenses for the software. Note that MATLAB comesor Java. As a result, MATLAB is being used in a wide variety of domains with many additional products, such as Simulink Stateflow, and a numberfrom the natural sciences through all disciplines of engineering to finance of specialized"Toolboxes"that add to its power. None of these is required forand beyond, and it is heavily used in industry. Hence, a solid background in this book.MATLAB is an indispensable skill in todays job marketOnce the reader has a MATLAB license, MATLAB Mobile, a free app fromNevertheless, this book is not merely a reference manual for MATLAB or a Math Works, makes it possible to experiment with MATLAB right on theMATLAB tutorial. It is an introductory programming textbook that happens iPad. The app can connect to the reader's machine or the MathWorks Cloudto use matlab to illustrate general concepts in computer science and pro- to run MATLAB remotely. Hence, one needs neither a traditional textbookgramming. As a side effect, the reader will gain a solid foundation in nor a traditional computer to learn programming when using this iBook.TheMATLAB, but an experienced computer programmer who wants merely to figure below shows MATLAB Mobile in actionlearn MATLAB should probably look elsewhereThis book is a good fit for an introductory college-level course in computerprogramming for engineering and science students. In fact, it is being used asthe textbook for such a course at Vanderbilt University. It serves the dual purpose of teaching computer programming and providing a background inMATLAB, which is used in higher-level courses in many majors图国图BLB图国This book is also suitable to teach programming to high school students. Thematerial assumes no background in mathematics that is not part of standardhigh school curricula, and MatLaB is much more accessible as an introducThisibOokcomeswithacompanionwebsite(http://cs103.netthatcontainsprogram listings from this book, as well as solutions to selected practice problems. All sections in Chapter 2 include practice problems at the end. Eachodd-numbered problem is followed by a red question mark. Clicking on it群,想鬥:takes you to the solution on the website. Note that problems come in pairseach one with a solution is followed by a similar, typically somewhat moredifficult, problem with no solutionFinally, the website also provides a page where you can make commentsbout the book and ask questionsiBook FeaturesNormally, all you see on the screen are the pages of the book. If you want toaccess the touch buttons that help you navigate the book just tap(i. e touchAn iBook is much more than a traditional book. Like a traditional book, it con- briefly)the screen anywhere. A toolbar will appear at the top of the screentains words and pictures, but unlike a traditional book, it can include audio Touch buttons on the left side provide quick access to the library of the booand video content, it allows you to jump back and forth from one place to an- available on your iPad, the Table of Contents of this book and its Glossaryother, it allows you to create and organize notes and study-cards, and it(see illustration below), and the notes/ study cards that you have created Onmakes it very easy to look up the meanings of words. Here we provide a brief the right side of the toolbar, you can adjust the brightness of the screen(intutorial on how to use the various features of this ibookandscape mode)or the font size(in portrait mode), search for a phrase orNavigating the textpage number, create or go to bookmarks, and jump to recently viewed pagesThe bookmark and recen tly-view-pages feature are accessed by tapping theOne of the most important features is that the book looks and"behaves"dif-bookmark symbol on the right of the toolbar (see illustration below). Youferently in portrait and landscape mode. When you turn your iPad, the bookwill see two buttons under the "Recently Viewed" label that are essentiallyremains upright by changing from one mode to the other. In landscape mode,the same as the good old Back" and"Forward" buttons that are so handy inthe figures and videos appear within the text, while in portrait mode onlyweb browsersminiatures of the figures are shown in the left margin. In both cases, touchingtum e expands it into the entire screen; touching the X at the upper leftreturns the normal view. You can touch the illustrations in this preface to seecantet客this feature in action. (Note, however, that in portrait mode the images arei User Interfacesomitted from this preface.In portrait mode, the text flows freely, scrolling down continuously, whilelandscape mode, it is broken up into two-column, discrete pageshave read the definition, tap any text that is not highlighted. The popupCOMPUTERdisappear and you can continue to read. An option is also provided to go toProcedural Programmingto look up other words. If you do that, you may find thaglossary terms, which may help you understand this term, are linked to thetr Manara pro -ceranoord you are looking up25.Put/DulpSecond, the index is incorporated into the glossary. At the bottom of everyentry is the word"Index"with a link below it to the place in the book wherethe entry is explained. No need for a page number(the substitute for a link inpaper books), because one click puts you at the definitive place in the text forthat entry. When you are done looking at the glossary, you can click"Doneto be returned to the point in the book where you left off. The figure belowAnother significant difference between the landscape and portrait modes is shows the glossary/indexthe appearance of the Table of Contents In landscape mode you see only asingle chapter and its sections listed. You have to swipe back and forth tonavigate between chapters. In portrait mode the Table of Contents shows theentire book where chapters and sections can be expanded on demand. Youcan see the differences between the two modes by comparing the followingfiguresLooking up wordsOne of the convenient features of an iBook is the ease with which the you canlook up the meaning of a word with it. There are in fact multiple options forlooking up a wordFirst, this book contains a glossary of important terms that is very easy touse. Suppose you are reading the text and you see a word that is highlightedlike this: MATLAB. Then you know that this word is defined in the glossaryand that this instance of the word is the"definitive"one, i. e, an instance of Third, every iBook provides an excellent onboard dictionary, and it is avail-the word at which it is defined for the first time(and in almost every case able for any word, whether it is in the glossary or not, indeed whether it is inused for the first time). If you tap once on it, you willwill see the glossary defi- this book or not. For a highlighted glossary word, like MATLAB above, a sin-nition pop up. You don't need to flip pages; you don't need to save your gle tap gives not only the glossary definition and the option to go to the gloslace. The definition appears right there where you are reading! After you I sary to look up other words but also the option to look up the same word inVllthe iBook dictionary. If you want to see a definition for a word that appears in quick and easy look-up system, you will realize that you never again need tothis book but is not a highlighted glossary term, just double-tap it. If you wonder what a word means, and, as a result, you will absorb new material atwant to see a definition for a word that does not appear in this book, tap any- a much faster rate and with much less frustrationwhere to get the menu bar, click the magnifying glass at the right, and a pordown window will appear. Type the word into the search bar. Now you can Making this book your ountreat that word as if it were a word in the book: Double-tap it. The double-tapA fifth feature iBook feature is its convenient set of mark-up tools. Supposewill cause a selection bar to appear above the word. One of the choices is"De- you encounter a phrase that you want to remember. There are two things youfine". Tap Define, and a dictionary definition will appearcan do: (1)Highlight the phrase.(2)Write a note about it. Highlighting isFourth, if your iPad is connected to the web, two additional options will ap-quick and easy: Just swipe your finger across the phrase. Tapping the highpear when you do that double tap: " Search Web"and"Search Wikipedialighted text brings up a small popup window in which you can choose vari-Click those and you have the resources of the world wide web literally atous colors, remove highlighting, or add a notecard. The notecard saves theyour fingertipshighlighted phrase and includes a hyperlink to the page you just highlightedYou can write your own ideas on the note cards, and you can organize themWhile the definitions in the iBook dictionary and even the definitions on the and use them to help you study. The figures below show some of the manyWeb are very useful, they may not agree precisely with definitions in this possibilities an iBook provides youbook's glossary, which, like that for the term MATLAB, may be very special-ized. The glossary definitions are targeted specifically at readers of this book,sO, for instance, the glossary definition of"variables a more technical computer science definition than that given in the iBook dictionary. While anLE559n 1- HTROEUEnOR TO MITLAeequivalent definition might be found in the iBook dictionary and /or the onApal,, in the unten is a lis- of fdas t'iaigh wh ah a programs searchesthe Web, these sources will typically include superfluous definitions of thea fike. the nodon u a arch path marin operat好改n石a目indos,and Mac C and in nany Frogrirming environments Mtword used in other contexts and other fields, and it may not be clear which开回的definition best fits the use of the word in this particular book. In general, thedefinitions that will help you the most in the context of this book are the onesin its own glossary.This tapping for definitions is a far cry from the situation you find yourself inwith a paper book, where you have to leave your place in the book, and inStylemany cases leave the book itself, to find out what a word means. In that situaTwo distinct sty listic features have been employed in writing this textbook totion, because it is so much trouble to look things up, you may be tempted tomake it more usefulkeep reading without knowing precise meanings, hoping that you can get arough idea of the meaning from the context. as become accustomed to this
2019-05-13 06:43
2019-04-29 22:35
2019-01-15 05:47