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2019-09-02 20:54
A Guide to successful Master's and PhD Degrees in Science and EngineeringCritical Acclaim for Crafting Your Research FutureLing and Yang summarize the practical aspects of the expectations for the moderngraduate student. They will all benefitRandy goebel, Professor of University of AlbertaIt will be tremendously useful to post-docs and graduate students alike(and perhapseven some junior faculty.Adrian m. owen Professor and Canada excellence research Chair. WesternniversityWant to bave a successful research career? This is a nice guide and companion!-Jiawei Han, Abel Bliss Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCopyright c 2012 by Morgan claypoolAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any otherexcept for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.Crafting Your Research FutureA Guide to Successful Masters and Ph. D. Degrees in Science engineeringCharles x. ling and Qiang Yangwww.morganclaypool.comISBN: 9781608458103 paperbackISBN:9781608458110 ebookDOI:10.2200/S00412ED1V01Y201203ENG018A Publication in theSYNTHESIS LECTURES ON ENGINEERINGLecture #18Series editor: steven f. barrettSeries issnISSN1939-5221rintISSN1939-523XelectronicCrafting Your ResearchFutureA Guide to Successful Masters andPh. D. Degrees in Science t engineeringCharles X LingUniversity of Western Ontario, Ontario, CanadaQiang YangHong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, ChinaSYNTHESIS LECTURES ON ENGⅠNEERⅠNG#18MORGAN&CLAYPOOL PUBLISHERSABSTRacTWhat is it like to be a researcher or a scientist? For young people, including gradu-ate students and junior faculty members in universities, how can they identify goodideas for research? How do they conduct solid research to verify and realize theirnew ideas? How can they formulate their ideas and research results into highquality articles, and publish them in highly competitive journals and conferencesWhat are effective ways to supervise graduate students so that they can establishthemselves quickly in their research careers? In this book, Ling and Yang answerthese questions in a step-by-step manner with specific and concrete examples fromtheir first-hand research experienceKEYWORDSResearch Methodology, Research Career Guidebook, Guidebook for graduateStudents, Ph D and Masters Research, Writing and Publishing Papers, WritingPh. D. Thesis, Science and Engineering CareerContentsAcknowledgmentsPreface…1. Basics of research1.1 What Is research?1.2 Who are researchers and who are not?………21.3WhatDoresearchersdo?www..31. What Skills and Abilities Are the Most Importantfor researchers71.5 What Are Some Pros and Cons of Being researchers:………….101.6 So. How Do i become a researcher?121.7 What Are the Differences between a master'sand ph.D. Thesis?121.8 How to Find a Suitable Supervisor for Ph D. Study......131.9 How Long does It Take to Get My Ph. D. Degree∴…1.10 Three Representative graduate Students172. Goals of ph. D. Research。。。曲垂。。e。。0。。@0@。。曲自曲192.1 Goal #1 Be the best in the field192.2 Goal#2: Be Independent252.3 Three Key Tasks for Getting a Ph. D(and Master's) Degree..272.4 The Milestones of Getting a Ph. D. Degree...........282.5 Distractions to the goals303. Getting Started: Finding New Ideas and Organizing Your Plans………333.1 Your first year…333.2 How to Find Relevant Papers(Literature Search353.3 How to Read Papers37Vi CRAFTING YOUR RESEARCH FUTURE3.4 Where to Get New Ideas…1413.5 From Ideas to Research and Thesis Topic443.6 How Do I Know If I Am on the right Track?3.7 Setting up a Plan for Ph D. Thesis earl473.8 Learning to Organize Papers and Ideas well494. Conducting Solid Research4.1 An Overview of a research process514.2 Jim Gray's crite4.3 The Research matrix method垂垂594.4 Carrying Out Your Research634.5 Brand Yourself…674.6 Empirical vs. Theoretical Research6947 Team Work and multi- Disciplinary research…………745. Writing and Publishing Papers5.1“ Publish or perish78nyshing Top-Quality Papers Is hard805.3 What Makes a Great Paper?A Few Untold Truths about Research Papers………835.5 The Roles of You, Your Supervisor, and Proofreader5.6 Supervisors: How to Improve Your Students' Writing MostEffectively...................................875.7 Where to Submit: Conference or Journals. ................................8958 How Are full- Length Conference Papers Reviewed?……….915. 9 How Are Journal Papers Reviewed?946. Misconceptions and Tips for Paper Writing96.1 It's So Obvious that Our Paper Is great"996.2" It Is Your Responsibility to Understand My Paper1026.3 The 10/30 Test10364Top- Down Refinement of Papers………1046.5 Create a Hierarchy of Subsections and ChooseSection Titles Carefully1096.6 Tips for Paper Writing1106.6.1 Use Certain Words to Signal readers1116.6.2 Use Simple sentences, But not SimplerCONTENTS vi6.6.3 Use a Small Set of Terms Throughout the Paper1126.6.4 Use Examples Early and Use Them Throughoutthe paper1136.6.5 Use Figures, Diagrams, Charts, Photos, Tables1136.6.6 Write about Your Motivations and justifications....1146.6.7 Pose Potential Questions and Answer Themourself6.6. 8 Emphasize and reiterate key points in Your paper........1156.6.9 Make Connections Throughout the Paper1166.6.10 Format Papers for Easy Reading……,1166.7 Other Misconceptions and Flaws…1176.8 Summary.…7. Writing and Defending a Ph.D. Thesis……………1217.1 Thesis and Dissertation1217. 2 Thesis Organization: Top Down or Bottom Up1227.3 Defending Your Thesis…………1268. Life After ph. D。0。。。。。。。。垂。。。。鲁非。0。。。。。。。。。。。。。●。垂。0鲁。非1318.1 A Day In the life of a Typical Professor………………13182 Applying for Research Grants……1358.3 Technology Transfer44Summary151ererences153uthor Biographies155
2019-04-30 11:23
2019-01-20 02:28