
作者:佚名 上传时间:2019-05-28 版权申诉

#include "sys/config.h"

* 用来获取系统、内核和进程的各类实时信息,如CPU和内存数据
class CInfo
* 系统当前实时信息
typedef struct
long uptime_second;             /* Seconds since boot */
unsigned long average_load[3];  /* 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages */
unsigned long ram_total;        /* Total usable main memory size */
unsigned long ram_free;         /* Available memory size */
unsigned long ram_shared;       /* Amount of shared memory */
unsigned long ram_buffer;       /* Memory used by buffers */
unsigned long swap_total;       /* Total swap space size */
unsigned long swap_free;        /* swap space still available */
unsigned short process_number;  /* Number of current processes */

* 当前进程时间信息
typedef struct
long user_time;             /* user time */
long system_time;          /* system time */
long user_time_children;    /* user time of children */
long system_time_children; /* system time of children */

* 当前系统CPU信息
typedef struct
// 单位: jiffies, 1jiffies=0.01秒
uint64_t total;
uint32_t user;    /** 从系统启动开始累计到当前时刻,处于用户态的运行时间,不包含 nice值为负进程 */
uint32_t nice;    /** 从系统启动开始累计到当前时刻,nice值为负的进程所占用的CPU时间 */
uint32_t system;  /** 从系统启动开始累计到当前时刻,处于核心态的运行时间 */
uint32_t idle;    /** 从系统启动开始累计到当前时刻,除IO等待时间以外的其它等待时间 */
uint32_t iowait;  /** 从系统启动开始累计到当前时刻,IO等待时间(2.5.41) */
uint32_t irq;     /** 从系统启动开始累计到当前时刻,硬中断时间(2.6.0) */
uint32_t softirq; /** 从系统启动开始累计到当前时刻,软中断时间(2.6.0) */
//uint32_t stealstolen; /** which is the time spent in other operating systems when running in a virtualized environment(2.6.11) */
//uint32_t guest;       /** which is the time spent running a virtual  CPU  for  guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel(2.6.24) */

* 当前系统内存信息
typedef struct
uint32_t mem_total;
uint32_t mem_free;
uint32_t buffers;
uint32_t cached;
uint32_t swap_cached;
uint32_t swap_total;
uint32_t swap_free;

* 内核版本号
typedef struct
int16_t major;    /** 主版本号 */
int16_t minor;    /** 次版本号(如果次版本号是偶数,那么内核是稳定版;若是奇数则是开发版) */
int16_t revision; /** 修订版本号 */

* 当时进程状态信息
* 进程的状态值:
D    Uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
R    Running or runnable (on run queue)
S    Interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
T    Stopped, either by a job control signal or because it is being traced.
W    paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel)
X    dead (should never be seen)
Z    Defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its parent.
typedef struct
/** 01 */ pid_t pid;                     /** 进程号,其允许的最大值,请查看/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max */
/** 02 */ char comm[FILENAME_MAX];       /** 进程的名字,不包括路径 */
/** 03 */ char state;                    /** 进程的状态 */
/** 04 */ pid_t ppid;                    /** 父进程号 */
/** 05 */ pid_t pgrp;                    /** 进程组号 */
/** 06 */ pid_t session;                 /** 进程会话号 */
/** 07 */ int tty_nr;                    /** The tty the process uses */
/** 08 */ pid_t tpgid;                   /** The tty the process uses */
/** 09 */ unsigned int flags;            /** The kernel flags word of the process (%lu before Linux 2.6.22) */
/** 10 */ unsigned long minflt;          /** The number of minor faults the process has made which have not required loading a memory page from disk */
/** 11 */ unsigned long cminflt;         /** The number of minor faults that the process's waited-for children have made */
/** 12 */ unsigned long majflt;          /** The number of major faults the process has made which have required loading a memory page from disk */
/** 13 */ unsigned long cmajflt;         /** The number of major faults that the process's waited-for children have made */
/** 14 */ unsigned long utime;           /** The number of jiffies that this process has been scheduled in user mode */
/** 15 */ unsigned long stime;           /** The number of jiffies that this process has been scheduled in kernel mode */
/** 16 */ long cutime;                   /** The  number  of  jiffies that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in user mode */
/** 17 */ long cstime;                   /** The number of jiffies that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in kernel mode */
/** 18 */ long priority;                 /** The standard nice value, plus fifteen.  The value is never negative in the kernel */
/** 19 */ long nice;                     /** The nice value ranges from 19 (nicest) to -19 (not nice to others) */
/** 20 */ long num_threads;              /** Number of threads in this process (since Linux 2.6).  Before kernel 2.6, this field was hard coded to 0 as a placeholder */
/** 21 */ long itrealvalue;              /** The  time  in  jiffies before the next SIGALRM is sent to the process due to an interval timer.2.6.17, this field is no longer maintained, and is hard coded as 0 */
/** 22 */ long long starttime;           /** The time in jiffies the process started after system boot */
/** 23 */ unsigned long vsize;           /** Virtual memory size in bytes */
/** 24 */ long rss;                      /** Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real memory, minus 3 for administrative purposes */
/** 25 */ unsigned long rlim;            /** Current limit in bytes on the rss of the process (usually 4294967295 on i386) */
/** 26 */ unsigned long startcode;       /** The address above which program text can run */
/** 27 */ unsigned long endcode;         /** The address below which program text can run */
/** 28 */ unsigned long startstack;      /** The address of the start of the stack */
/** 29 */ unsigned long kstkesp;         /** The current value of esp (stack pointer), as found in the kernel stack page for the process */
/** 30 */ unsigned long kstkeip;         /** The current EIP (instruction pointer) */
/** 31 */ unsigned long signal;          /** The bitmap of pending signals */
/** 32 */ unsigned long blocked;         /** The bitmap of blocked signals */
/** 33 */ unsigned long sigignore;       /** The bitmap of ignored signals */
/** 34 */ unsigned long sigcatch;        /** The bitmap of caught signals */
/** 35 */ unsigned long nswap;           /** Number of pages swapped (not maintained). */
/** 36 */ unsigned long cnswap;          /** Cumulative nswap for child processes (not maintained) */
/** 37 */ int exit_signal;               /** Signal to be sent to parent when we die (since Linux 2.1.22) */
/** 38 */ int processor;                 /** CPU number last executed on (since Linux 2.2.8) */

* 网卡流量数据结构
typedef struct
/** 01 */ char interface_name[INTERFACE_NAME_MAX]; /** 网卡名,如eth0 */

/** 接收数据 */
/** 02 */ unsigned long receive_bytes;             /** 此网卡接收到的字节数 */
/** 03 */ unsigned long receive_packets;
/** 04 */ unsigned long receive_errors;
/** 05 */ unsigned long receive_dropped;
/** 06 */ unsigned long receive_fifo_errors;
/** 07 */ unsigned long receive_frame;
/** 08 */ unsigned long receive_compressed;
/** 09 */ unsigned long receive_multicast;

/** 发送数据 */
/** 10 */ unsigned long transmit_bytes;             /** 此网卡已发送的字节数 */
/** 11 */ unsigned long transmit_packets;
/** 12 */ unsigned long transmit_errors;
/** 13 */ unsigned long transmit_dropped;
/** 14 */ unsigned long transmit_fifo_errors;
/** 15 */ unsigned long transmit_collisions;
/** 16 */ unsigned long transmit_carrier;
/** 17 */ unsigned long transmit_compressed;

* 进程页信息结构
typedef struct
long size;     /** 程序大小 */
long resident; /** 常驻内存空间大小 */
long share;    /** 共享内存页数 */
long text;     /** 代码段占用内存页数 */
long lib;      /** 数据/堆栈段占用内存页数 */
long data;     /** 引用库占用内存页数 */

/** 获取系统信息,具体请参考sys_info_t的描述 */
static bool get_sys_info(sys_info_t& sys_info);

/** 获取内存信息,具体请参考mem_info_t的描述 */
static bool get_mem_info(mem_info_t& mem_info);

/** 获取总CPU信息,具体请参考cpu_info_t的描述 */
static bool get_cpu_info(cpu_info_t& cpu_info);

/** 获取所有CPU信息,具体请参考cpu_info_t的描述 */
static int get_cpu_info_array(std::vector& cpu_info_array);

/** 得到内核版本号 */
static bool get_kernel_version(kernel_version_t& kernel_version);

/** 获取进程信息,具体请参考process_info_t的描述 */
static bool get_process_info(process_info_t& process_info);

/** 获取进程页信息,具体请参考process_page_info_t的描述 */
static bool get_process_page_info(process_page_info_t& process_page_info);

/** 获取进程运行时间数据,具体请参考process_time_t的描述 */
static bool get_process_times(process_time_t& process_time);
* 获取网卡流量等信息
* 流量 = (当前获取的值 - 上一时间获取的值) / 两次间隔的时长
* @interface_name: 网卡名,如eth0等
* @net_info: 存储网卡流量等数据
static bool get_net_info(const char* interface_name, net_info_t& net_info);
static bool get_net_info_array(std::vector& net_info_array);

static bool do_get_net_info_array(const char* interface_name, std::vector& net_info_array);



#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #in
2020-10-28 06:55
2019-05-16 10:25
2019-06-03 22:28
2019-01-18 10:43
2019-07-24 00:56
2019-05-16 10:26
2019-05-22 03:01